Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Post Partum Shedding! AAARGH!!

I know you guys don't know me that well and I don't know you, so I am going to share something with you......

Almost 10 months ago, I had a baby girl! She makes baby number 2 for me, but my kids are 9 years apart. Don't judge me!! Anyway, having this child has wreaked havoc on my hair!!! I didn't expect it to because when I had my son, the effects were so different.

So here is the bundle of joy that has cause so much change in my hair. When I had my son, I was relaxed, and my hair went through something different. With him, my hair completely changed textures. I didn't get a perm for the last 6 months of my pregnancy and after I had him, I got a perm about 4 weeks later. My hair shed with him, but nothing like with this little girl!! I had more growth than anything with my son and the shedding did not affect my hair one way or another.

Fast forward to 2012 when my daughter was born and man oh man! What a difference! My hair shed like crazy! I lost so much hair that my edges are much thinner than they used to be as is my crown. I mean overall, my hair doesn't have the fullness it used to. My twists don't look the same and styles just look sub-par at best. It's so frustrating.

At first, I couldn't figure out for the life of me what was going on with my hair. And then......DING, DING, DING, DING!!!! It dawned on me that duh......you just had a baby! So now it all makes sense! Now I have to work hard to get my hair back in shape.

I'm thinking a trim is in order and I have found a product that I think will be key to helping me get my hair back:

I found this at Sally's. It 's ion Repair Solutions: Effective Care Treatment. They had these on sale last months for like $1.99 so I bought 4. I have used 2 of them thus far and I love them! Using this has reduced my shedding significantly, added moisture to my hair, and definitely made it stronger! I'm thinking I may keep this in rotation for a treatment after I clarify every 6 weeks or so. With that said, I am going to Sally's to buy the bottle when my other two packs are gone.

Now I'm intrigued by ion. I've seen it in the beauty supply for years and never gave it a second look...until now. It's 100% vegan as you can see and they have a line of products for repairing your hair. I think that at some point I will check out their shampoo and conditioners because the treatment has been working well for me.

Have used this product? If so, hit me up in the comments and let me know your experience! Well, that's it for now.


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